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Stokke Camomile Protector

99,90 - 139,90

Our Stokke Sleepy protector is designed to adapt to this evolving crib in all its stages.
You can choose two options:
1- "Minicot only" covers the perimeter of the minicot in its entirety. This part of the protector can also be used when you add the extensions to make it large, but it will only cover a part of the large crib and not all of it. Placing it in this case in the headboard to prevent it from hitting the bars.
2- "Complete crib" this option includes the part of protector for minicot, but also includes two more parts of protector to cover the entire perimeter of large crib. In the case of removing the side bars of the evolving crib, you can also remove a part of the protector to leave the entrance of the crib free.
Complete your crib look with the fitted sheets we have available for both mattress sizes.

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Mini crib, Complete crib

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